A progressive organization based in Dubai seeks to hire the services of skillful, hard-working, and experienced individuals to fill the vacant roles on urgent basis. The ideal candidates must be experienced in their relevant domains.
The vacant roles along with the number of vacancies and remuneration are listed as under:
SMAW (Shielded Metal Arc) Welders (No. of Vacancies = 7) (AED 1,800 Per Month)
Pipe Fitters (No. of Vacancies = 5) (AED 1,600 Per Month)
Fabricators (No. of Vacancies = 5) (AED 1,600 Per Month)
Gypsum Carpenters (No. of Vacancies = 4) (AED 1,300 Per Month)
Mason (No. of Vacancies = 5) (AED 1,300 Per Month)
The candidates should be from 20 to 40 years. The duration of duty shall be 8 hours daily. Visa processing shall take 15 days.
The chosen candidates shall be offered accommodation, transport, medical facilities, insurance, and residence permit by the company. Interested candidates can email their updated CVs along with copies of documents and credentials at jobs.bfe@gmail.com, mentioning position applied for in the email subject line.
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