Our respected principal seeks to hire the services of skilled, hard-working, and technically sound individuals to fill the vacant roles for their project in Saudi Arabia on urgent basis. The processing shall be done on very reasonable rates, followed by instant departure. The roles along with their remuneration are mentioned below:
- Pump Technician (SAR 1,400 – 1,600 / month)
- Electrical Technician (SAR 1,400 – 1,600 / month)
- HVAC Technician (SAR 1,600 – 1,800 / month)
Preference shall be given to candidates who have prior work experience in Gulf States, and know how to speak & communicate in English. The duration of duty shall be 8 hours daily. The chosen candidates shall be offered accommodation, food, medical, transport facilities, and other benefits according to Saudi Labor Laws by the company.
Interested candidates can email their updated CVs, educational documents & certificates at hr@barkaat.com.pk, mentioning position applied for in the email subject line. For details, please visit Barkaat Enterprises, 201, Gul Plaza, Barkat Market, New Garden Town, Lahore.
Landline: 042-35869360
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