Renowned organizations seek to hire the services of skilled, disciplined, and experienced individuals to fill the role of Taxi Drivers in Ajman & Sharjah on urgent basis. The ideal candidate must be well-aware of UAE traffic rules & regulations.
The candidates who are Dubai License holders shall pay a fee of PKR 150,000. The chosen candidates shall be offered a remuneration of AED 3,000 – 5,000 / month. Holders of other Gulf States Licenses shall pay PKR 200,000. Out of their remuneration of AED 2,000, AED 200 shall be deducted per month.
Along with basic salary, the selected candidates shall also be offered 35% commission, bonus, and free accommodation by the company. Visa processing shall be confirmed within 25 days.
Interested candidates can contact Mr. Sattar Asif, Star MBS Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd, Office No. 24-S, 2nd Floor, Gulberg Center, opposite Hafeez Center, Lahore.
Landline: 042-35750245
Mobile: 0308-7696419
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