Our respected principal seeks to hire the services of proactive, qualified, and experienced (preferably Gulf individuals to fill the role of Salesman Cum Driver for selling water & juice, to be posted at Makkah & Jeddah.
The chosen candidates shall be offered AED 1,500 / month + commission. Additionally, the candidates shall be offered accommodation, transport, medical facilities, and other benefits according to local labor laws by the company. Interviews shall take place on Monday & Tuesday, 10th and 11th September, 2018 respectively.
Interested candidates can visit along with their complete documents at Anmol Manpower Exporters, House No. 2, Umar Block, near Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore.
Mobile 1: 0331-8422996
Mobile 2: 0300-7225111
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