A renowned organization based in Dubai, Transguard, seeks to hire the services of skilled, dynamic, and hard-working individuals in large numbers to fill the multiple roles available on urgent basis. Instant visa & instant departure. Selection is 100% guaranteed. The roles along with their number of vacancies and remuneration are mentioned below:
- Steel Fixer
- Vacancies = 100
- AED 1,050/month + Overtime
- Airport Loader
- Vacancies = 75
- AED 1,025/month + Overtime
- AT least Matric, should know how to speak in English
- Aircraft Cleaner
- Vacancies = 75
- AED 950/month + Overtime
- At least Matric, will be assigned to clean the aircraft
- Cargo Loader
- Vacancies = 75
- AED 825/month + Overtime
- House Keeper
- Vacancies = 50
- AED 900/month + Overtime
- Cleaner
- Vacancies = 20
- AED 800/month + Overtime
- For cleaning of Hotel & Shopping Mall
- Vacancies = 50
- AED 900/month + Food
- For packing of food for passengers inside the aircraft
- Cleaner (Indoor / Outdoor)
- Vacancies = 40
- AED 800/month + Overtime
- Labor (Self-selection)
- Vacancies = 40
- AED 800/month + Overtime
The candidates should be aged between 21 and 36 years. The duration of contract is 2 years. The chosen candidates shall be offered accommodation, medical, and transport facilities and other benefits according to local labor laws by the company.
Tests & interviews shall be conducted on 5th September, 2018, in the presence of delegation in Rawalpindi. Interested candidates can visit along with their complete documents at Gondal Trade Test & Training Center, F-821, Holy Family Road, near Punjab College for Women, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi. Email: gttcrwp@gmail.com
For details, please contact Elahi Enterprises at the following numbers:
Landline: 051-4841800
Mobile 1: 0306-5118407
Mobile 2: 0300-2444938
Mobile 3: 0344-4233786
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