Our respected principal seeks to hire the services if skilled, hard-working, and energetic individuals to fill multiple positions for a renowned organization based in Abu Dhabi, KFM, on urgent basis. Instant visa & instant departure. The roles along with their remuneration are given below:
- Painter (AED 1,000 + 250 + Food)
- Finishing Carpenters (AED 1,000 + 250 + Food)
- Mason (All Rounder – Block, Plaster, Tile) (AED 1,000 + 250 + Food)
- AC Technician (AED 1,200 + 250 + Food)
- Electrician (Should be experienced in Maintenance) (AED 1,200 + 250 + Food)
- Plumber (Should be experienced in Maintenance) (AED 1,200 + 250 + Food)
- General Technician (AED 1,500 + 250 + Food)
- Cleaner (AED 700 + 250 + Food)
The duration of duty shall be 8 hours daily. The duration of contract is 2 years, out of which, probation period shall be 6 months. The chosen candidates shall be offered accommodation, medical, and transport facilities by the company. Tests & interviews shall be conducted on 12th September, 2018, at Chaudhry Recruiting Agency, Kharian.
Interested candidates can visit along with their original passport, 20 photos, educational documents & certificates at Chaudhry Recruiting Agency, Dhoriya Mundair Stop, Danga Road, Kharian, Gujrat.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chaudhry.recruiting
Landline: 053-7522458, 7522468
Mobile 1: 0304-4420244
Mobile 2: 0300-8317513
Mobile 3: 0331-6688044
Email: cv@craglobal.com, cvs1@craglobal.com
Website: www.craglobal.com
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