A renowned hospitality industry based in Dubai, seeks to hire the services of proactive, energetic, and experienced individuals to fill the vacant roles on urgent basis. The roles along with their remuneration are mentioned below:
- Waiters (AED 1,500 / month + Overtime)
- Room Boy (AED 1,300 / month + Overtime)
- Kitchen Helpers (AED 1,300 / month + Overtime)
The total expenditure shall be PKR 99,000 only. Additionally, the chosen candidates shall be offered accommodation, medical, transport facilities, and other benefits according to UAE Labor Laws by the company. Interviews & tests are underway these days.
Interested candidates can contact Arabian Overseas Employment Services Trade Test & Technical Training Center, 1-A, Scheme Morr, near Gourmet Bakers, Multan Road, Lahore.
Landline: 042-37497813
Mobile 1: 0300/0321/0323/0336-9574703
Mobile 2: 0302/0332/0336-7778637
Email: arabianttcjobs@gmail.com
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