A renowned organization based in UAE, Dulsco, seeks to hire the services of skilled, hard-working, and energetic individuals to fill the role of Labor (Airport / Warehouse / Sea Port) on urgent basis. Everything shall be done at very reasonable rates.
The duration of duty shall be 8 hours daily. The duration of contract is 2 years. The ideal candidates should be aged between 21 & 40 years.
The chosen candidates shall be offered remuneration of AED 850 / month + overtime, along with accommodation, medical, transport facilities, and other benefits according to local labor laws by the company. Tests & interview shall be conducted on 25th September, 2018, in the presence of delegation at Rawalpindi.
Interested candidates can visit along with their complete documentation at Union Trade Test Center, 91-C, near Chandni Chowk, Satellite Town, Rawalpindi (Email: union_2458@yahoo.com). For details, please contact Sound Line International at the following numbers:
Landline: 051-4927056, 051-8445576
Mobile 1: 0300-5691948
Mobile 2: 0300-5008540
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